Drug Rehab Centres Proposal

Bogota Mayor and Drug Rehab Centres

“Ordoñez Procurator curse Bogota Mayor Proposal ” Pictures Taken From: elliberal.com.co and noticiascaracol.com

Syrian Fireworks.

Iran President In Syria

“Iran President in Syria Supporting the civil war” Pictures Taken From: 2space.net and euronews.com

193 Years of Peace

Colombia, 7th of August

“Pedro Pascasio the kid who caught Jose Maria Guerreo in 1819, helping Simon Bolivar; Colombian Soldiers Murdered Kids as subversives “Pictures Taken From: festivalgarroba.blogspot and ficcionesoficiales.wordpress.com

Decline of Spanish King-dom.

King Juan Carlos Fall in Spain

“Spanish King fell onto his face” Pictures Taken From: msnbc.msn.com and elespectador.com

Run Luis Carlos.

Luis Carlos Restrepo and Alvaro Uribe

“Luis Carlos Restrepo Running” Pictures Taken From: somoslarevista.com and elespectador.com

Aleppo Olympic Games.

Aleppo Olympic Games 2012

” Aleppo Olympic Games” Pictures Taken From:dailymail.co.uk and heraldsun.com.au

The Thruth.

Romney in London

“Romney in London Telling the Truth” Picture Taken From: swampland.time.com


North Korea Olympic Games

Pictures Taken From:dailymail.co.uk, metro.co.uk and independent.co.uk

Bye Bye.

Pictures Taken Form: El Espectador.com and dailyautocrat.com

The Heroes.

Pictures Taken From: El espectado.com and forojaveriano.blogspot

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