A vote.

Obama leads the elections. Pictures taken from elespectador.com

I propose.

Spanish councillor, Olvido Hormigos, forced to resign after her home-made pornographic movie was leaked online. Pictures taken from behier.blogspot.com and diariouno.com.ar

The red beret.

Chavez said: If Capriles win Venezuela will get a economic crisis. Pictures taken from elespectador.com and lapatilla.com

No condoms.

Correa defends Julian Assange. Picture taken from elespectador.com


Santoyo said the links between Paramilitarism and Colombia Government. Pictures taken from americatv.com.pe, diarioregion.com and lapatilla.com

The liar.

Pussy riot in jail. Pictures taken from oaxaca-digital.info and abc.es


Gari Kasparov, ex champion chess, is captured for defending the Pussy Riot. Picture taken from elespectador.com

Romney say

Romney said a mistake. Picture taken from elespectador.com

Syrian Fireworks.

Iran President In Syria

“Iran President in Syria Supporting the civil war” Pictures Taken From: 2space.net and euronews.com

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