
Pictures taken from noticias24.com and msn.com

The landowner.

Pictures taken from elespectador.com and americatv.com.pe

Decline of Spanish King-dom.

King Juan Carlos Fall in Spain

“Spanish King fell onto his face” Pictures Taken From: msnbc.msn.com and elespectador.com

Nazi ogre.

Neo nazi gives food only to Greeks in Greece. Pictures taken from ecodiario.eleconomista.es and periodismolibre.com

Gold medal.

Óscar figueroa won silver medal while there is a chinese protest. Pictures taken from america.infobae.com and elespectador.com

Medal count.

Picture taken from london2012.com


Isabel II participated in London 2012 Inauguration. Pictures taken from laprensa.hn and http://deportesmx.terra.com.mx/

The final battle.

Syria Conflict

Pictures taken from diariodecaracas.com, elespectador.com and impacto.mx


North Korea Olympic Games

Pictures Taken From:dailymail.co.uk, metro.co.uk and independent.co.uk

The revocation.

Pictures taken from eltiempo.com and nortedesantander.com

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